The young artist I was mentoring claimed she had a great idea for her senior thesis.

"I'm gonna make a cast of my pregnant belly and hang it on the wall!" Amy blurted eagerly.

Her proposal seemed as stale as the old turpentine scent that permeated the studio.

"If I see one more pregnant belly or one more organic-pea-pod-poorly-disguised-as-a-vagina, or one more vagina anything, I am going to climb to the roof of the Cash Register building and throw myself over!"

Amy looked dejected.

"And don't even tell me you want to make work from a doll's head or I swear to God you will make the climb with me and take the first leap!"

That night those frightening images swirled in my dreams, waking me time and again with a sweaty start. Several nights of sleeplessness followed. Ugh. Had I been too harsh on dear, sweet Amy?

I decided if I was going to get any rest, I would have to face my demons head on. So I selected the worse of these over-used props – the dreaded doll's head – and thought, if you can't beat ‘em join ‘em.

Thus the bad baby was born.

Who of us hasn't played with matches or choked on our first cigarette as a child? Perhaps not as young as some of the bad asses presented here, but none the less I'm sure we all have. Enjoy the show and take a bad baby home, lest you dare risk sleepless nights of your own!